A | |
Abdrule |
An abduction rule used in an abductive cyclic prover.
Abducer |
A cyclic abducer (cf.
B | |
Bidirectional [Sl_unify] | |
Blist |
List operations.
C | |
Containers |
Given a
BasicType build a module with several containers for it.
E | |
Elt [Tags] | |
Elt [Ord_constraints] | |
F | |
FList [Sl_tpair] |
A list of term pairs.
FList [Sl_term] | |
FList [Containers.S] | |
Flist |
A functorised list.
Form [Tl_form_ltl] | |
Form [Tl_form] | |
Fun |
Combinators for manipulating functions.
H | |
Hashmap [Containers.S] | |
Hashset [Containers.S] | |
Hashset |
This module implements imperative sets as hash tables.
I | |
Int |
BasicType with assorted containers.
L | |
ListSet [Sl_tpair] |
A set of term pairs
Listset |
A list-based set container.
Lru |
Implementation of an LRU cache for memoising functions.
M | |
MSet [Sl_pred] | |
MSet [Containers.S] | |
Make [Containers] |
Functor putting together the different containers.
Make [Treeset] |
Create an ordered container.
Make [Pair] |
Create functions for equality, comparison, hashing and printing for a
pair of types.
Make [Treemap] |
Create an ordered map using a tree-based representation.
Make [Listset] |
Create an ordered container whose underlying representation is a list.
Make [Multiset] |
Create an ordered container that behaves like a bag (
add always increases
size by one).
Make [Flist] |
Given a type with comparison, equality and printing facilities, build
the same facilities for lists of that type.
Make [Abducer] | |
Make [Abdrule] | |
Make [Seqtactics] | |
Make [Prover] | |
Make [Proof] | |
Make [Proofrule] | |
Make [Proofnode] | |
Make [Lru] |
Implementation of an LRU cache for memoising functions whose arguments
can be compared for equality and can be hashed.
Make [Hashset] |
Functor building an implementation of the hashtable structure.
MakeUnifier [Unification] |
This functor makes a mk_unifier function for a particular implementation of
a container.
Map [Sl_term] |
An ordered map with terms as keys.
Map [Containers.S] | |
Multiset |
A multiset container.
O | |
Option |
Functions for manipulating optional values.
Ord_constraints |
A structure representing a set of constraints on ordinal-valued variables.
P | |
Pair |
Operations on pairs.
Proof |
A cyclic proof object.
Proof [Sigs.ABDUCER] | |
Proof [Sigs.PROVER] | |
Proofnode |
A node in a cyclic proof.
Proofrule |
A proofrule used by a cyclic prover.
Prover |
A cyclic prover object.
S | |
Seq [Sigs.ABDUCER] | |
Seq [Sigs.PROVER] | |
Seqtactics |
Tactics for combining sequent-level rules.
Set [Sl_term] |
An ordered set of terms.
Set [Containers.S] | |
Sigs |
Core module signatures used in Cyclist.
Sl_abduce |
This module contains functions to answer various abduction questions for
use in program verification.
Sl_deqs |
Sets of disequalities over terms.
Sl_form |
SL formula, basically a list of symbolic heaps, denoting their disjunction,
along with a set of contraints on predicate ordinal labels (tags).
Sl_form_rho |
SL formula, basically a list of symbolic heaps, denoting their disjunction.
Sl_heap |
Symbolic heaps.
Sl_heap_rho |
Symbolic heaps.
Sl_indrule |
Inductive rule type consisting of a symbolic heap and a predicate head.
Sl_pred |
Predicate occurrences consisting of a predicate identifier and a list of
terms as parameters.
Sl_pto |
Points-to atom, consisting of a pair of a term and a list of terms.
Sl_ptos |
Multiset of points-tos.
Sl_rho |
A stack structure for prophecy variables.
Sl_seq |
SL sequent, as a pair of SL formulas.
Sl_subst |
Module providing SL term substitution-related functionality.
Sl_term |
Module defining SL terms, which consist of variables (free
or existentially quantified), or the constant
nil .
Sl_tpair |
An ordered pair of SL terms.
Sl_tpred |
Tagged predicate, as a pair of an integer and a predicate.
Sl_tpreds |
Multiset of tagged predicates.
Sl_uf |
A union-find structure for SL terms.
Sl_unify |
This module specialises the generic Unification module to the SL
instantiation of cyclist and provides extra functionality to support the
unification of its various elements
Soundcheck |
Provides an abstract view of a proof as a graph and allows checking its
Strng |
BasicType with assorted containers.
Subst [Sl_term] |
Substitutions over terms
Subst [VarManager.S] | |
T | |
Tagpairs |
A set of tag pairs with a few convenience functions.
Tags |
A set of tags.
Tl_form |
A CTL temporal logic formula
Tl_form_ltl |
An LTL temporal logic formula
Treemap |
An ordered map using the standard
Map module.
Treeset |
An ordered container based on the standard
Set module.
U | |
Unidirectional [Sl_unify] | |
Unification |
A library of types and combinators supporting
continuation-passing-style unifiers
Unifier [Tags.Elt] | |
Utilsigs |
Signatures for containers and essential types.
V | |
Var [VarManager.S] |
Abstract type of variables
VarManager |
An abstract datatype for managing variables.