Functor Lru.Make

module Make: 
functor (T : Utilsigs.BasicType) -> sig .. end
Implementation of an LRU cache for memoising functions whose arguments can be compared for equality and can be hashed. The code is a modified version of that in "batteries included".
T : Utilsigs.BasicType

val lru_cache : (T.t -> 'a) -> int -> T.t -> 'a
lru_cache f n memoises the non-recursive function f, using an LRU cache (implemented as a hashtable) of up to n entries.
val lru_cache_rec : ((T.t -> 'a) -> T.t -> 'a) -> int -> T.t -> 'a
lru_cache f n memoises the recursive function f, using an LRU cache (implemented as a hashtable) of up to n entries. f must have untied the recursive knot and accept its own continuation for recursion.