module type I = sig
.. end
val anonymous : var
An "unidentified" variable
val is_anonymous : var Fun.predicate
is_unnamed v
returns true
if and only if v
is anonymous
val mk : string -> var
mk_var n exist
returns a variable with name n
; if exist
is true
the returned variable will be existential, otherwise it will be free. If the
VarManager already knows about a variable named n
, then this will be returned,
otherwise it will generate a fresh variable.
val is_exist_var : var Fun.predicate
is_exist_var v
returns true
if and only if v
is an existential variable.
val is_free_var : var Fun.predicate
is_exist_var v
returns true
if and only if v
is a free variable.
val fresh_evar : var_container -> var
fresh_evar s
returns an existential variable that is fresh for the set of variables s
val fresh_evars : var_container -> int -> var list
fresh_evars s n
returns n
distinct existential variables that are all fresh for the set of variables s
val fresh_fvar : var_container -> var
fresh_uvar s
returns a free variable that is fresh for the set of variables s
val fresh_fvars : var_container -> int -> var list
fresh_uvars s n
returns n
distinct free variables that are all fresh for the set of variables s