module type NODE = sig
.. end
Proof node signature.
Sequent type used for building proof nodes.
val mk_open : seq_t -> t
mk_open seq
creates an open Proof.t node labelled by seq
val mk_axiom : seq_t -> string -> t
mk_axiom seq descr
creates an axiom node labelled by
sequent seq
and description descr
val mk_backlink : seq_t -> string -> int -> Tagpairs.t -> t
mk_backlink seq descr target vtts
creates a back-link node labelled by
sequent seq
, description descr
, target index target
and set of
valid tag transitions (as pairs) vtts
val mk_inf : seq_t ->
string -> (int * Tagpairs.t * Tagpairs.t) list -> t
mk_inf seq descr subgoals back
creates an inference node labelled by
sequent seq
, description descr
, a list of triples consisting of
subgoal index, valid tag transitions and progressing tag transitions
val dest : t -> seq_t * string
dest n
returns (sequent, description). This works with all Proof.t nodes.
val dest_backlink : t -> seq_t * string * int * Tagpairs.t
dest_backlink n
destroys a back-link node n
, otherwise raises Invalid_arg
val dest_inf : t ->
seq_t * string * (int * Tagpairs.t * Tagpairs.t) list
dest_inf n
destroys an inference node n
, otherwise raises Invalid_arg
Functions for checking the sort of a node.
val is_open : t -> bool
val is_axiom : t -> bool
val is_backlink : t -> bool
val is_inf : t -> bool
Auxiliary functions for getting information from all nodes.
val get_seq : t -> seq_t
Get sequent labelling the node.
val get_succs : t -> int list
Get the successor node indices of this node.
val to_abstract_node : t -> Soundcheck.abstract_node
Convert Proof.t node to abstract node as in
Pretty printing and Latex conversion.
val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val to_melt : bool -> int -> t -> (bool -> int -> Latex.t) -> Latex.t
Convert to Latex. The first parameter is true when the node is the root.